IATBR Conference 2024 in Vienna

The IfV-Team at the IATBR conference

From July 14 to 18, 2024, the IATBR, the 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, took place in Vienna. In addition to the exchange with other scientists, Anna Reiffer, Pia Tulodetzki, Kim Kandler, Tim Wörle, Gabriel Wilkes and Martin Kagerbauer from IFV presented their research work:

  • Anna Reiffer, Katherine Asmussen, Xinyi Wang: Cross-Country Comparison of Telework between Germany and the United States
  • Anna Reiffer, Jelle Kübler, Kim Kandler, Martin Kagerbauer, Peter Vortisch: Analysis of Telecommuting Effects on Travel Demand based on an Agent-Based Travel Demand Model
  • Maike Puhe, Tim Wörle, Jelle Kübler: Social Obligations and Spatial Decisions – a Conceptual Framework for Modeling Locational Choices based on Relationships to People, Things, and Places
  • Pia Tulodetzki, Gabriel Wilkes, Martin Kagerbauer, Peter Vortisch: Impact of Weather on Mobility Characteristics – Empirical Findings based on the German Mobility Panel

Paris Excursion 2024

Group photo in Paris

This year's excursion from the Institute of Transport Studies took 25 students from the the degree programs in "Mobility and Infrastructure", "Civil Engineering" and "Technology and Management in Construction" to Paris. The group traveled by train to the French capital to experience a varied program in the city, which is preparing for the Olympic Games. This included efforts towards a less car-dependent city, the construction of the Grand Paris Express, plans for a supra-regional cycling network and other aspects of urban planning and logistics. Apart from the "professional program", cultural aspects were also included. These included a light show in the Invalides Dome and a nighttime cruise on the Seine.

A detailed report on the individual program items can be found here (in German).

AK MoVe Annual Conference 2024

Lisa Ecke at the AK MoVe Annual Conference

On June 10 and 11, 2024, Lisa Ecke from the IfV took part in the 19th annual conference of the Working Group Mobility and Transport entitled "Upheavals, Transitions, Interventions: Mobility and Transport in Transition" at the University of Cologne, which was organized by the Working Group Mobility and Transport (AK MoVe) of the German Geographical Society. The IfV was involved in two contributions at the conference. Maike Puhe from the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at KIT gave a presentation on “Reparking - Insights into a real-life experiment from Karlsruhe's Südstadt”, in which she presented joint research carried out together with Lukas Burger and Andreas Rall from IfV. Lisa Ecke presented a poster entitled "Mapping life events on mobility: An integrated analysis with the German Mobility Panel and the Socio-Economic Panel", which focused on the identification of life events and the implications for everyday travel.

ANT Konferenz in Hasselt, Belgien

The IfV-Team at ANT

The IfV was once again represented at this year's ANT (Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies) conference, which took place in Hasselt, Belgium. The following contributions were presented there:

Lea Fuchs, Josephine Grau, Marvin Baumann, Claude Weyland and Peter Vortisch:
Incident detection on urban roads - A case study using synthetic floating car data

Robin Hauke, Jelle Kübler, Marvin Baumann and Peter Vortisch:
A Vectorized Formulation of the Cell Transmission Model for Efficient Simulation of Large-Scale Freeway Networks

Marvin Baumann, Claude Weyland, Josephine Grau, Lea Fuchs and Peter Vortisch:
How well can we really estimate desired speeds? - A simulation study on the modified Kaplan-Meier approach

Lucas Schuhmacher, Jelle Kübler, Gabriel Wilkes, Martin Kagerbauer and Peter Vortisch
Comparing Implementation Strategies of Station-Based Bike Sharing in Agent-Based Travel Demand Models

Girls Day at IfV

Participants of the Girls Day on the way to the measurement intersection

Exploring Traffic Engineering: The Institute of Transport Studies (IfV), in collaboration with the Institute of Highway and Railroad Engineering (ISE), hosted a workshop for Girls' Day, offering a glimpse into the world of traffic engineering for girls in grades 6 to 8. After an introduction to various aspects of traffic engineering, participants engaged in hands-on activities, including a small-scale traffic measurement and building segments of roads. The workshop aimed to introduce participants to the field of traffic engineering in an engaging and educational manner, fostering their interest in STEM disciplines.

DVWG Summit 2024

Martin Kagerbauer, Ann-Sophie Voss and Lucas Schuhmacher at the DVWG Summit

This year's summit of the German Transportation Research Association (DVWG) focused on the topic of "Real-world laboratories: from research to everyday life". Real-world laboratories can be used to implement and research untested innovations and solutions in everyday life. The ways in which they are already being used and having an impact in transport and mobility research and the findings that can be drawn from them were discussed at the DVWG-Summit 2024.

In addition to exciting panel discussions, an expert dialog and short "didactic bytes", Ann-Sophie Voss and Lucas Schuhmacher from the IfV were each able to make a contribution as part of a pitch format. We presented our agent-based traffic demand model for creating mobility forecasts from the #transmove project and the use of stated choice experiments, for example from the KIRA project.

Institute Meeting on Research at the IfV

Collection of Research Topics at the 2024 Institute Meeting

The theme of this year's two-day Institute meeting in the idyllic town of Klingenmünster was "Research at the IfV". In this context, we discussed current and future research topics and methods that characterize the research profile at the IfV and should be further developed. We also discussed potential project sponsors and partners, as well as the visibility and networking of the IfV in the national and international research landscape.

After the productive working sessions, the evening provided an opportunity to relax and enjoy dinner together at nearby Landeck Castle.

The meeting was a successful event that provided us with space for the creative further development and strategic orientation of research at the IfV.

Visit from the Technical University of Dortmund

Group photo with employees from the Technical University of Dortmund and the IfV

We had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Eva Heinen and part of her team from the chair of Mobility and Transport at the Technical University of Dortmund at our institute. The visit presented an excellent opportunity to share information about our respective research through a series of short presentations. The open dialogue and exchange were immensely fruitful, and we reflect on a productive day filled with engaging discussions.

Congratulations on the Heureka Prize 2024

Anna Reiffer (centre) with colleagues at the Heureka Conference 2024

We congratulate our colleague Anna Reiffer on winning the advancement award from the heureka Foundation, which was presented as part of the Heureka '24 congress.

Anna Reiffer received the award for her contribution "Generation of Activity Schedules for Agent-Based Demand Models", which she developed as part of her dissertation. In the approach, the first step determines the time use for all activities of a household, and in the second step, the activities are assigned to the household members by solving a multi-objective optimization problem.

The advancement award is endowed with €5,000 and is awarded every 3 years in recognition of outstanding scientific achievements in the field of decision-making and optimization methods.

Excursion to Paris

Razel bec
Construction site of the project Grand Paris Express

The yearly excursion organized by the IfV will take place this year from 19.05. to 23.05. in Paris. We will travel to Paris together by TGV and experience a varied program. This includes, among other things, the efforts towards a city with fewer cars, the construction of the Grand Paris Express and aspects of logistics and urban planning. Further program points and details will follow.

Information on registration will follow in the next few days. If you have any questions, please contact Emre Görgülü emre.goerguelue∂kit.edu or Christian Klinkhardt christian.klinkhardt∂kit.edu.

English seminar in Bad Gastein

Group work in the English seminar

The annual English seminar, this time in Bad Gastein, was once again an enriching experience for all participants. The main objective of the seminar, to practise and improve technical English, was achieved through a variety of activities. These included lectures, discussions, abstract writing, peer reviews and exercises in traditional and AI-assisted translation.

The participation of doctoral students, research assistants and professors from several chairs of transportation from Germany and Austria also facilitated professional exchange and networking.

Outside of the seminar, it was possible to take advantage of the leisure activities in Bad Gastein, especially skiing and hiking.

Excursion to Baden Airpark

Group photo in front of a DRF Luftrettung helicopter

On 21.02.2024 we had the opportunity to visit Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport and the DRF Luftrettung at Baden-Airpark.

During the tour, we gained insights into working practices in the terminal, baggage handling, processes on the tarmac and the airport fire department. Afterwards, there was a lively professional exchange with Mr. Eric Blechschmidt, Head of Air Traffic, Marketing and Sales, about the economic and traffic perspectives of the airport.

In the second part of the excursion, we visited DRF Luftrettung, which maintains its entire helicopter fleet at Baden-Airpark and schedules missions for southern Germany. We would like to thank you for the insight into the largest helicopter hangar in Europe as well as the insights into the organization behind the numerous missions.

KIT Welcome Day

Group photo from Welcome Day

The "Welcome Day" offered by the KIT provides new employees with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the KIT and introduces them to its key offerings and organizational units. Andreas Rall from the Institute for Transport Studies participated in this event.


Following initial introductions and networking, Dr. Joachim Hoffmann from the Department of Communications provided an overview presentation on the KIT. This presentation covered the history of the KIT as a university and major research institution, its locations, its unique position within the Helmholtz Association, and its structural organization into departments, centers, faculties, and institutes. Various offerings of the KIT, such as those in sports and music, as well as important contacts such as the Equal Opportunities Officer and the Data Protection Officer, were introduced. A final highlight was a campus tour, during which significant facilities such as the first German research reactor FR2, the Energy Lab 2.0, and the neutrino experiment Kathrin were visited.

TRB 2024

Group photo of the IfV team

As usual, the TRB Annual Meeting was held in Washington at the beginning of this year, where our institute actively participated through a multitude of conference contributions in the form of presentations and poster presentations. The TRB is one of the largest conferences in the field of transportation and mobility research, providing a unique opportunity for exchange with scholars that extends beyond the usual European framework.