Electric Vehicles with Range Extender as a Suitable Technology (EVREST)

  • contact:

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Vortisch
    Dr.-Ing. Bastian Chlond
    Dipl. rer. pol. techn. Christine Weiß
    Dipl.-Inf. Nicolai Mallig

  • funding:

    German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy

  • partner:

    IFSTTAR-LTE, IFSTTAR-DEST, Universität Stuttgart, BOKU, TU Chemnitz, CNRS, Peugeot Scooters, KIT-DFIU

  • start:


  • end:


Problem definition


The range autonomy is one of the main barriers for the commercial success of electric vehicles (EVs). However, recent studies show that the majority of daily trips are far below the maximum range of a battery-only EV. Therefore, an EV with both reasonable sized battery and range extender (RE) could satisfy most mobility needs, also occasional long-distance trips.


Solution approach

The main idea of the project EVREST is to study how Extended Range Electric Vehicles (EREV) could match different mobility use patterns and what would be the acceptance and resulting impacts, e.g. load of electric grid. The project work is based on the analysis of users' demand profiles from different European countries using national travel survey data and other data sources.

Several scenarios of mobility demand – with different types of electric vehicles – in 2025 will be defined and simulated in the greater Stuttgart area using the microscopic software tool mobiTopp. The outcomes will be used to evaluate environmental aspects, grid loads and required power plant capacities as well as transport policies.